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Actress Veena Malik Sentenced To 26 Years In Jail

Bollywood actress, Veena Malik, was sentenced to 26 years of imprisonment by a Pakistani court over “malicious acts” of blasphemy.
Veena Malik
Veena Malik
The 30-year-old movie star appeared in a pretend TV wedding scene based on the marriage of the Prophet Mohammed’s daughter, The Independent reports.
The show, which was aired in May, caused outrage in the Islamic country. Hot discussions started, with some even alleging that the military of Pakistan were behind the mock wedding, and that it was put on in a bid to wage a blasphemy war against the broadcaster.
Those involved in staging the scene were severely punished, including Malik’s husband, the host of the show and the media group executive.
Reacting to her sentence, Malik expressed confidence that the punishment would be changed, as she told Gulf News:
“26 years! Come on. 26 years is a lifetime… But I have faith in higher courts in Pakistan. When the final verdict comes, it will do justice to me. Nothing bad is going to happen.”
Veena Malik
Veena Malik
According to the court order,
“The malicious acts of the proclaimed offenders ignited the sentiments of all the Muslims of the country and hurt the feelings, which cannot be taken lightly and there is need to strictly curb such tendency.”
Moreover, the convicted parties were also ordered to pay £8,000, surrender their passports and sell up their properties.
However there is hope for Malik that she will not serve her sentence. The court order is to be be enforced in the city of Gilgit, of which control is shared between Pakistan and also sits in the India-claimed Kashmir region.
Veena Malik
Veena Malik
Thus, it is not considered a proper province by Pakistan, which means the court orders delivered there do not apply to the other parts of the country.
The actress is currently in Dubai and plans to return to her home country within the 2 weeks to challenged the ruling.
“I have always been a person who faced troubles by looking it in the eye. I have faced highs and lows in my life. But I am sure I haven’t done anything wrong.”
It would be recalled that Veena Malika was involved in another scandal in 2011, when she posed nude for Indian FHM covering her private parts. She had the letter ‘ISI’ written on her arm – the acronym for Pakistani spy service the Inter-Services Intelligence agency.
Veena Malik
Veena Malik
Mirror recalls that after a set of controversial photos her father disowned his daughter saying:

“I have severed all ties with her and I don’t want her to have any share in whatever meagre assets I have until she is cleared of the controversy and pledges not to visit India again.”

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