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PHOTOS: Roommate Defaces Gay Man's Face With Hammer

Pictured below is Connor Huntley, he was discovered last year with a hammer stuck in his head, after his  21 year old homophobic flat mate,  Joseph Williams had attacked him in his sleep with the hammer in Kent, UK.

Connor Huntley
Thankfully Williams got up and realised what he did then made a frantic call to the police and confessed to the attack.

He told the emergency centre: “I don’t know how to say this but he’s dead in my flat. I hit him on the head with a hammer in his sleep.”
Medics say that Connor’s case is just miraculous because most people don’t survive such attacks.
Connor Huntley now 3 Connor Huntley now 1
Williams is now in mental health hospital until he could be said to be healthy enough to serve his 14 years jail sentence.
Williams friends have accused him of being a known homophobic and had always hated his roommates lifestyle.

it was said to disgust williams, the way Connor dressed as a cross dresser and Williams has always told his friends that he might kill Connor if they did not separate.
Williams is said to be suffering from depression and was developing schizophrenia and he attacked Connor on May 28th 2013.

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